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How to use FREE Autoresponder Plugin for WordPress

2011 March 15

In my previous posts, I’ve told how to install Free Autoresponder Plugin for WordPress. This amazing tools will help you to automate your online business and also multiply your yield.Using Autoresponder Plugin for WordPress would be as easy as using another WordPress plugin. The Autoresponder Plugin for WordPress are tested for WordPress 2.9.2 and was working very well. Get FREE Autoresponder Plugin for WordPress using this link.

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How to Install Autoresponder Plugin for WordPress (Part 2)

2010 July 15
by admin

In the previous post, I’ve shown you step by step installing FREE Autoresponder Plugin for WordPress. This amazing tools will help you to automate your online business and also multiply your yield. Using Autoresponder Plugin for WordPress would be as easy as using another WordPress plugin. The Autoresponder Plugin for WordPress are tested for WordPress 2.9.2 and was working very well. In this time, I’ll continue my posts till you know how to set up your optin form. read more…

How to Install Autoresponder Plugin for WordPress (Part 1)

2010 June 16
by admin

I’ve told you about Autoresponder Plugin for WordPress. This amazing tools will help you to automate your online business and also multiply your yield.Using Autoresponder Plugin for WordPress would be as easy as using another WordPress plugin. The Autoresponder Plugin for WordPress are tested for WordPress 2.9.2 and was working very well. Get FREE Autoresponder Plugin for WordPress using this link.

Now I will help you to install your FREE Autoresponder Plugin for WordPress. Just follow up these easy steps. read more…

Directory of Ezines

How to Modify Your Blogger Blog’s Template

2010 May 21
by admin

Blogger provides some pretty blog templates. Unfortunately the provided templates are limited and may not be suitable for our need.  In my opinion, the provided templates in blogger are boring and old fashioned.

You could search the blogger templates in the net using Google and you’ll find out that many websites provide beautiful templates with various feature and layout. read more…

How To Create a Great Web Design

2010 April 30
by buddy

create-web-designAs internet use continues to grow worldwide, so grows the number of potential customers online.  As the popularity of the internet multiplies so does the competitiveness of being able to get your share of these new visitors to your website.  But it doesn’t end there!  You still need to get them to do business with you when they visit your website.

A clean, simple web design should help the customer to find their way around easily. read more…

How to Post a New Content to Your Blogger Blog

2010 April 17
by admin

gods-post-itThis time I’ll try to show you how to make a post to your new blogger blog. Actually it’s very easy.  You could make your posts by going to Blogger or you could use Windows Live Writer.  Now I’ll show you how by going to Blogger site.

Just go to Blogger, signing in using your Google user id and Google password.  Your Google user id & Google password would be the same user id and password of your Gmail account. read more…

Get Your Own Blog

2010 April 7
by admin

bloggerAfter I showed you how to sign up for a Free Google Mail account then I’ll guide you how to get your own blogs using your Google Mail accounts.

Blogger (owned by Google), would be my first recommendation for a new blogger (someone who blogs) since it’s management interface is more user-friendly than other free blogging services. read more…

How to Sign Up for a Free Google Mail Account

2009 July 21
by admin

gmailIn this post, I’d like to share with you how to sign up for a Free Google Mail (GMail) Account.  You might be curious, why we should choose Google Mail as our web based mail.

There are some reasons such as : read more…

How to Add YouTube Link to Your Facebook Profile

2009 July 14
by admin

You found an interesting video on YouTube and you want to add the video link to your Facebook profile ?  It’s very easy and actually you could find the way by accessing Facebook’s Help.  But it might be useful if I show you how step by step. read more…

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