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Ways To Get Joint Venture Deals Started

2010 August 2
by buddy

Contrary to popular belief, joint ventures are simply not complicated. If you’ve been lead to believe that Joint Venturing is a complex process and that you need to stay out of it unless you’re a big timer in the business, then someone’s misled you. There’s this cliché that has been formed due to which many marketers are living under the rock. Unwilling to deal with the rejection that can occur in a partnership, these marketers are hesitant to approach even top-notch potential partners. But is such fear worth sacrificing the leverage and numerous benefits that will come with a successful joint venture marketing partnership? Quite simply, no, since starting up a partnership can only help both sides to maximize their assets and build a better business. There are joint venture deals happening every single day, right from the big companies to the small home businesses, it’s happening right now. So if you’ve had trouble connecting with the concept of this “real world” marketing, read this article to get a better understanding of the way joint ventures work. This article will talk about the best methods for building partnerships, and the factors of which you should be aware.

The wrong approach can complicate or halt the process of convincing your potential Joint Venture partner. Oftentimes, businesses think that making an initial contact with a company through e-mail is conversation enough. This is not to say that you can’t communicate with people through email, but it’s entirely insufficient for business deals. You need to show that you are more serious if you want them to take you seriously. More personal methods are necessary if you want to make sure you get the best deal that you can, if at all. Do things with an old fashion flair; pick up the phone and talk to them, or set up a meeting to discuss your proposal. This will definitely make you appear to be a serious business partner. Be prepared to answer any questions that they may shoot out at you. Do not hold back on any detail about your product, prospective investors want to know what it is they are investing in. They need to know everything about the deal, especially when it comes to how they’ll benefit, if you want to get them on the hook. Not only that, but also give them a heads-up about the profits they will be able to generate from this, including the backend sales. Make sure your potential JV partner knows everything they need to.

Letting your potential JV partner have a look at your product/service and giving them a test drive will increase your chances of striking a partnership. With this method, the advantages of the collaboration will be undeniably obvious, providing a clear picture of how their client base will benefit from the union. This person will have a list of contacts that will see them as a trustworthy person, one whom they can rely on as a resource. Also consider discussing ‘branding’ with your partner. Show them the ways that your product can improve their image even more, and aid what they hope to accomplish in the future. People don’t want to buy something that is invaluable, so if your product really delivers, it benefits the partner and opens doors for more such deals.

Another approach to consider is granting a discount to the customers of your potential JV partner. These new prospects may well find such an exclusive offer too good to pass up. You must consistently be different from other businesses, always looking for ways to encourage your customers to buy from you. By differentiating yourself from everyone else in the business, you make yourself and your product into hot prospects. Offers like these are difficult to turn down, so you can expect a lot of positive responses. This will result in increased sales and inflated gains for both you and your partner. This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

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