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6 Quick Tips for Writing a Good Copy Headline

2010 November 20
by admin

Writing an effective copy headline is a challenge if you know you’re going to issue a call to action in the end, and that action is something that people will be initially reluctant to do like subscribing to an e-newsletter or buying a product. If you want your readers to do something, you need to convince them right away and starting with the very first word of your headline. read more…

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5 Ways to Write Copy and Avoid Being Clever and Critical

2010 November 12
by admin

There are times when writing can inspire such strong emotions that you find yourself becoming critical or overly clever. While it may sound or look good to you and a few people who know you, it may not always have the same kind of reception with the rest of your audience. By using a tone of writing carelessly, you might not get the kind of results you want. Here are reasons why you should avoid being clever and critical just to write copy and how to improve your writing instead: read more…

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