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50 Cent Loses More Than 50 Pounds For Movie Role

2010 July 15
by buddy

50 Cent fans were shocked when images of the now-gaunt rapper were posted on his website,  50 cent lost atleast 50 pounds for his new movie he created called  “Things Fall Apart,” in which he plays a football player that diagnosed with cancer .

“I lost 54 pounds for it,” 50 said of his role, inspired by a friend of his who died of cancer . “I was starving.” read more…

Making Money On the internet – Is it Actually That Difficult?

2010 May 14
by buddy

The topic of how earn money on the Web is a popular one. As a matter of fact, a Google search returns nearly two hundred million responses to that search. Obviously, there are many individuals who are thinking about making money on the Internet or working from home. Why, then, are so few consumers able to actually do it?

There are a number of reasons why making money on the Web is difficult to do. read more…

All about the Dates, Maps, and Locations on Psychic Powers

2010 April 26
by buddy

psychicPsychics…they might seem weird to some or might appear devilish to some, for the rest they’re just individuals with little mental balance. But whichever you believe of them, they are there and will be there. Revealing the past, present and future is what a psychic claims. Psychic powers are a lot more than just hocus pocus. It may be a powerful belief because ancient occasions that people with psychic powers are specifically gifted. The genuine meaning of a psychic is the ability to understand the unfamiliar or some thing that other people aren’t mindful of. read more…

Model Railways and There History

2010 April 17
by buddy

railway-modelModel trains were introduced after 1850.These trains were produced in tin plates and the rails were made of cast iron. Train models slowly developed they moved with live steam. It was then run on the floor with the technology of steam and clockwork engines. In Europe, Germany , Britain and France developed standard quality engines.In the year 1891 Marklin launched the first model train with a complete system where the clockwork provided the driving power and then it was properly dyed. read more…

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Google Slap Again !

2009 July 21
by admin

google-slapPay per click is undoubtedly THE advertising breakthrough of the 21st century. For the first time in history, you only show your ad to people already interested in what you’ve got to offer, … and you only pay when they visit your “store”.  And one of the big pay per click advertising network is Google. read more…

$100,000 and nothing to show for it

2009 June 6
by admin

I'm telling you. I'm broke

I'm telling you. I'm broke

It’s a story about a guy who have spent over $100,000 pursuing Internet Marketing success. But the sad side is he failed.

He has been a Royal Marines Commando, a computer technician, and IT manager, a Chief Technology Officer, and has run his own business moderately successfully. He love technology and the internet.

He has done more things than he can even remember, including the Internet Marketing Advanced Mentoring program, being a Google Advertising Professional, being on Tellman and Shaun’s List Pro’s program, read more…

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