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3 Easily Avoidable Copywriting Mistakes

2012 October 3
by buddy

Wondering why you’re sales copy isn’t converting too well? There are lots of reasons why particular copy doesn’t convert, but if you’re making simple mistakes then you can easily take care of that. So, we can help eliminate some of these mistakes in your copy so that will be just one less thing that will hurt you.

Many new copywriters make lots of mistakes that are obvious and can be easily avoided. One source of many kinds of mistakes concerns the subheads, or subheadings, in the sales copy body. Headlines are to sales copy as wheels are to cars – you can’t have one without the other. The paragraph is used in sales copy for the same reason it’s used in any other form of writing. Also, your sales copy will be divided into logical sections, and each of these sections will be announced with a headline of its own that is called a subheadline, or subhead. What normally happens is that people scan the sales copy, and the subheads allow the reader to get a quick idea of what it’s all about. There are many reasons why sales copy isn’t completely read by those who come across it. But if it is not systematically divided into readable parts, then it would definitely be a turn off for the reader, especially when you have a long sales copy. So your subheadings need to be well-written so they make your readers want to stop skimming and then start reading slower. Besides that, subheadings allow to you to present your case and give relevant information to the entire argument, without making it sound hyped up. Many times your prospect finds one of your subheadings more interesting than your headline, and decides to buy the product. You main headline is no doubt very critical to capture attention and interest, but do not under any circumstances ignore your subheadlines. Don’t make the mistake of revealing too much in your sales copy and at the same time try to give all the details that are required. If you don’t know how to balance your information this can be tricky. You need to use the sales letter to both educate the customer and make him eager to purchase what you are selling. A good way to do this is to write about the many benefits of owning the product so that the potential buyer knows exactly how your product will better his life. You want to go easy on the exact features of your product or your benefit details won’t be at the front of the customer’s mind when you call him to action. Creating the urge to buy means keep the fluff down while still including the important details that make the product desirable. Plenty of copywriters forget that their copy is not for them but for other people–customers specifically. Focus on the potential customers you want to attract instead and then target your sales copy to them directly.

How would you like to read a sales copy that reads like a high school essay? You need to remember that any sales copy needs to be easy to read and at the same time do a great job at presenting the product’s benefits to the prospect. And you’ll use those benefits for the purpose of writing bullet points in your copy. The reason for benefit bullets is they allow for rapid skimming and scanning, and well-written bullets can be extremely effective with closing sales. Apart from that, your sales copy looks more professional and has more white space when you have bullet points. Just the way you wouldn’t like reading a huge block of content, even your prospects are looking for benefits when going through your sales letter.

Make no mistake, it does take time to learn copywriting. It’s always smart to learn about common mistakes because if you just avoid them then you’ll be writing better copy. Always keep writing and practicing, and remember this article you have read.

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3 Major Copywriting Mistakes

2012 October 1
by buddy

You’ll hear most people say that copywriting is hard, but that’s really not quite true. You just need to be aware of a few simple mistakes that can affect your overall efforts. So, we’ll now cover just three of these kinds of mistakes that you really don’t want to commit in your own copywriting.

Even in copywriting, grammar is important because if you make too many mistakes it can hurt your conversions. In all your copywriting, be 100% clear about what you’re saying, and take care that the product benefits are expressed as benefits and not features – tell them what’s in it for them. So those are just a couple things, out of many, that need to be right, and if they aren’t then you’ll just seeing the sales numbers go down. Your copy doesn’t have to be 100% perfect in all aspects because people understand mistakes are made, but there’s a real risk of being viewed in a negative light if there are too many mistakes of any kind. Effective copy that gets the job done has to include many considerations, many of which are along the lines of “the little things.” Writing a sales copy is not about using complicated jargon and heavy vocabulary, but that doesn’t mean you can compromise on the punctuation or anything else. Just like in school, the basic things like punctuation, spelling, and grammar can have a negative impact if there are too many mistakes. Don’t make the mistake of revealing too much in your sales copy and at the same time try to give all the details that are required. If you don’t know how to balance your information this can be tricky. You need to use the sales letter to both educate the customer and make him eager to purchase what you are selling. A good way to do this is to write about the many benefits of owning the product so that the potential buyer knows exactly how your product will better his life. You want to go easy on the exact features of your product or your benefit details won’t be at the front of the customer’s mind when you call him to action. Creating the urge to buy means keep the fluff down while still including the important details that make the product desirable. Plenty of copywriters forget that their copy is not for them but for other people–customers specifically. Focus on the potential customers you want to attract instead and then target your sales copy to them directly.

What could be worse than having a copy that is ridden with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors? If you have too many it really can begin to look pretty unprofessional. You should always, always make sure that you’re proof reading your sales letter before it goes live in front of your target audience. If your prospects get a feel that you haven’t taken your sales copy seriously, then they’ll obviously feel that your product isn’t that worth it. So just make sure you can read through it several times while checking for different kinds of errors. When you avoid these common mistakes you will get quite a nice return from your copywriting.

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3 Efficient and Unparalleled Forum Marketing Tips

2012 July 16

The Internet has made it possible to employ new methods to market services and products.

Nowadays anyone can get online and market their product and get sales for it. Understanding the importance of employing the best marketing technique for the job is critical to achieving this. There are people who find article marketing more efficient while others prefer using SEO techniques. It’s completely up to you how much effort you want to put in and what kind of marketing method you would like to go for. We will look at using forums to drive traffic and market. Given below are 3 simple tips to help you out with your forum marketing.

The biggest forum marketing tip that you can receive is to post as often as you can. The more active you are on a forum, the more noticeable you will be in the eyes of the other members and the forum moderators. Your ultimate goal is to evolve into a powerful member of the community so that other members will respect you and will interact with you on your threads. By positing frequently and being an active part of the online conversations you will gain greater exposure for your profile.

This is also a great way to establish your level of expertise in the field since you will be able to show people how much you know about the niche in questions. One ideal method to organize your forum postings, especially if you are on multiple forums, is to follow any new threads while also creating a schedule. Say, for example, that you are posting to five forums that are quite popular in your niche on a regular basis. You should consider creating a daily schedule that includes such information as which forums you will post to first, the number of threads and posts you will be creating, the time you will log in and so on. The more you organize your forum marketing work, the easier it will get for you to get a higher response from the others. With Forum Marketing beginners it’s improtant to remember that quantity reall is important. In other words, you should put in the effort to join a large number of forums in your niche and contribute to them in the best possible way. Forum marketing is made more effective in this way. Your actions are all targeted towards making your signature visible, so the more you post in these forums, the more exposure it will get. At first this may seem mundane but before long you will find it more interesting asyou begin making contacts and being a part of the discussions.

Ease of being contacted can make a huge difference. Don’t make it hard for others to contact you. There are those who have not signed-up to the forum and might have a question for you. Providing a link to your site and even an email address that you check regularly will improve your results. This is mainly because it goes on to show that you’re serious about your work and would want to enhance your business. Finally, using the tips above will help you make forum marketing work for you.

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Forum Marketing Can Be the Most Targeted Traffic You Can Get Which Automatically Means More Sales

2012 July 13

Enhancing traffic and promoting products is often done with a method called Forum Marketing which is quickly become a hot topic. However many still struggle with the concept. If you delve into it further you will see that forum marketing isn’t really marketing at all but more a way to approach a target audience by giving them something valuable. This article will discuss three unique tips for leveraging forums better in your marketing attempts.

When you start interacting on a forum, your intention should be more than just marketing. Helping people out and providing your valuable insight will draw attention to your posts and to your signature-file, where you promote yourself. The reason for this is that forums are a great place to meet new people from your niche, and as we all know, your business grows on your contacts. Helping people is the fuel used to power your forum marketing. Here’s a way to use forum marketing marketing to get your viral reports circulated. You can create a post, in the appropriate fashion, that offers your free report for free to anyone who wishes to download it. There are tons of ways you can leverage the relationships that you create through forum interactions. The only thing that you need to keep in mind here is to never come off as someone who is just looking out for marketing favors from others. Taking the time to become known in the community is a good idea before trying to offer anything for sale. The universal key is to form some type of relationship.

Another tip is to be open and honest about who you are and what you do. Noone wants to interact with a nameless, faceless person so be transparent here. So don’t make the mistake of being anonymous. Making other forum members aware of who you are is important. Complete your profile entirely by including all of the necessary information, a picture of you and a link to your blog or site. The main idea of forum marketing is to increase sales and make your profits soar. It’s not easy to get the sales you want by being anonymous, noone wants to deal with an anonymous person. Marketing forums are a safe place on the internet, which has become quite the social forum, to deal with people especially in marketing forums.

You need to consider how you will present yourself to other forum members among other things before you consider forum marketing. Just make sure you’re not being hasty about anything. Take your time creating a good profile on the forums you choose to join and be sure others know what you are here for.

Be approachable in every possible way. Being hard to reach is a costly mistake. You need to think about the people who are not members of the forum or don’t want to contact you publicly. One way to overcome this is to include a link in your signature that leads directly to your site. This is mainly because it goes on to show that you’re serious about your work and would want to enhance your business. Yes, it is good to get traffic to your site that comes directly from a forum. Traffic from forums is good but branding, joint ventures, and helping others are too. Forum marketing opens up many opportunities for you to become creative and bring new visitors into your business.

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3 Suggestions to Make the Most Out of Facebook Marketing

2011 February 5

Due to its thorough marketing system, Facebook has turned into the world’s best social network. If you want to use this advertising platform, then you need to have a few things in mind, which we will be discussing in this article.

One of the most effective tips when you’re advertising on Facebook is to send the traffic to your read more…

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