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Wearing Tattoos on your Dress Shirts

2012 August 16

Want to get a tribal tattoo on your body, but for some reasons, you just can’t? Maybe the sight of blood scares you out of your wits. Or maybe the pains caused by the pins piercing on your skin is too horrible for you. Don’t worry; it’s not such a big deal as you think it is. We promise not to place you on the platform of mockery if that’s how you perceive manliness. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t make you less of a man at all. And there are alternatives to that, by the way.

If tattoos on the skin doesn’t work for you, you can express it on your dress shirts and not just any dress shirt, but on your custom dress shirts. Tattooed shirts, you may ask. Why not? Screen printed dress shirts are another option , and they make a good substitute for tattoos. It’s just like getting new tattoes from time to time. .

However, while it may not be too good to wear screen printed mens dress shirts on a daily basis (even if you own a shirt printing company), it’s good to keep at least five in your closet. There are still many occasions suitable wearing them. Having tons of them would make your closet look like a 3D tattoo catalog, especially if you’re a tattoo artist.

Screen printed custom dress shirts are also a nice alternative to casualize very formal-looking mens dress shirts. If you have loads of dark or light-colored plain dress shirts and even a couple of light colored striped ones, some artistic talents (we mean, REAL talent), plus the right materials – personalized artwork, silk screens, photo transparency, frame, emulsion fluid and school cotter, photographic safe-light, glass cover, halogen light, spray bottle, shirt press and acrylic fabric paint – you can go for the perfect design on your dress shirt. The tattoo you’ve always crave for, is there. And what would its result be? Amazing! It will give you a casual appearance, yet not so much, just as the expressions, “casually cool.”

This style also goes with a little touch of sophistication. They’re great to wear at bars, classy malls, and at alternative, pop or rock concerts, hand in hand with a pretty girl. They’re even good to wear during acquaintance gathering and informal home parties.

To get a good combination of sophistication that tends to sway towards the formal fashion sense , but with a light touch of casualness, wear a dark shade (like black, dark green or navy blue) dress shirt, printed with white, skin tone or beige-colored tribal or any curve designs. Match it up with a pair of corduroy pants (opt for a shade that’s similar to the screen prints on your dress shirts) and it would look good on a first date . Thus, the style will tell the lady that while you can have a lot of fun, you can also be serious in a relationship. And it’s what every woman seeks, by the way.

On the contrary, wearing them makes some people think you’re seeking for attention through your custom dress shirts. But then, wearing plain dress shirts for 365 days in a year already sounds too mundane. It’s not bad to lighten up your days with a bit of creativity and uniqueness. So, wear screen printed custom dress shirts once a week.  It’s also like expressing yourself in shirt tattoos on a weekly basis.

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