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Tips in Wearing of Clothes for Job-seekers

2010 September 27
by buddy

Interviews are really important, and dressing-up successfully is a must.    There is a tendency that you will be judged according to how you present yourself in clothing when it comes to your abilities and potentials aside from your expertise and knowledge on the said field.  This explains why, “Perfect impression lasts”. So it is always important to put your best foot forward in everything. Wear appropriately and smartly especially if you are wearing mens shirts and ladies dress pants. Dressing up is a way of promoting or selling yourself to the employer.

The way of projecting yourself aside from the skills and expertise, the outfit worn does not just clothe you in order to look professional, but it is also a way of getting people respect you.   This is all about the totality of the person. Dressing-up professionally by wearing well-fitted custom made shirts may impress your employer on your looks; however you should be careful that your clothing will not upstage your overall performance during the interview process.

Men should wear well-fitted custom dress shirts so that their assets will be enhanced and may somehow hide their body imperfections. The most preferred color tones of men are the white or light blue solid hues. These colors are well matched in a suit with darker shades such as the charcoal gray, navy blue, and black.

Women may also go for a well-fitted tailored suit in solid colors of charcoal grey, navy blue, and black. Colors like green, maroon and purple may be worn “only” if it matches the skin and hair color of the individual.

In general, it is important to stick on the norms of your profession and wear clothes that are both acceptable in your religion, culture and the company’s dress code. In this way, you will never go wrong in your selection of style and designs.

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