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The Way to Create Your Own Product

2011 January 22
by buddy

Most online marketers ignore product creation for many reasons, and it’s something that doesn’t have to be. This article will present a few product creation tips, and we hope you will be able to use them to grow your business.

One tried and true approach is to ask those on your list, if you have one, or previous customers. You may laugh about that, but it does work even though not many marketers use it. If you don’t have a site to ask your visitors, you can frequent forums or even hire a company to do a poll for you. Just ask those questions that offer some insight into what people are feeling or what they want to have solved for them. If you have a list, just send out a survey with your questions, but you may want to offer an ethical bribe. In exchange for the feedback, you can offer them a valuable free bonus. Remember they are helping you, so be generous in return and that will not be forgotten. Once you’re done with this survey, you’ll get back a nice number of topics from them, which you can use to choose one topic and create a product around it. Using professional businesses that provide polling and surveys is a great way to keep a steady flow of ideas coming in.

Another product that a lot of people do not even consider is a membership site. You can easily do this simply because there are some powerful, but not expensive, software applications available. Also, let’s face it – membership sites add a huge amount of credibility to you and it looks impressive. They also lend the members a feeling of belonging to something that not many other people belong to. If you provide good value, your members will trust and respect you much more, and that can be profitable for you. You can market and promote in so many ways, and something like special membership upgrades for premium products is just one idea. If you want to keep it for the long term, then always look for ways to improve and upgrade/update your content. Part of the reason marketers love these sites is that they represent continuity in the form of ongoing income each month.

Very many online marketers have been taking huge advantage of PLR material, or private label rights, for their own products. The rights inherent in PLR material will let you create a product from it and pass it off as your own. When you’re talking about the Internet, you’ll usually find this in written content form, which you can use for your own self without actually worrying about copyright infringement. Then you’ll be free to go out on the net and sell just like it was yours all along. By the way, with PLR rights you can revise or edit the information in any way you see fit to do.

There are a ton of different product creation tips and strategies, so don’t get overwhelmed by it all. There are many more ways to create your own products, which you’ll find as you go along.

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