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Maximizing Your Conversion Rate

2010 August 29
by admin

In internet marketing, just like other conventional business, our interest is how to maximize the profit while at the same time minimize the cost. If we’re running a Pay Per Click Advertising (Google Adwords for instance) campaign, we’ve to focus on conversion rate to maximize our profit. If we talk about conversion rate it means the ratio of visitors who convert casual content views or website visits into desired actions based on our goal. It could be sales or lead actions.

The key in maximizing the conversion rate depends on two important factors which are :

  1. Sales letter in your landing page;
  2. Source of your visitor.

As you’ve known before there’re many internet marketer has talked about how to write a sales letter that convert well. In my opinion, you need practicing and experience to write a good sales letter.  You could buy some good learning materials about copywriting and still you need to apply them on your own sales letter to get your own experience.

The big question is how could I know that my sales letter is better that my other sales letter ? There’re several resources to use to measure the effectiveness of your landing page. But I recommend you to use Google Website Optimizer. It’s FREE and has a good feature. Just doing A/B Experiment (Split testing) in Google Website Optimizer, you’ll find the better landing page compared to the other. If you continually doing split testing to sales letter on your landing page, you would sure increase the conversion rate.

But you shouldn’t forget to check the source of your visitor. If you’re using Pay Per Click advertising to get your visitor, there’re two kind of Pay Per Click advertising to get your visitor. First, by Pay Per Click advertising using Search match, your ads would appear on the search engine.  Using this kind of Pay Per Click advertising, you would get a more targeted visitor but it’s more expensive.

Second, you could get Pay Per Click advertising using Content match. Some people call it contextual advertising. In Google Adwords, using content match means your ads would appear in many Google’s partner sites. You should check the conversion rate of your campaign since different sites would bring different conversion rates. If you find that some sites give you low or null conversion rates just exclude them from your campaign.

In Google Adwords you could do it by accessing Network tabs. Just click the show details link under Automatic Placements you’ll see all of the Google Partner Sites from where you get your visitor from. Click the check box to mark and check the “Exclude Placements” button to exclude the sites.

You want to know more about Pay Per Click advertising ? Get $25 Pay Per Click advertising credit and great bonus to join free ppc e-course for FREE.

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