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How to Increase Your Website Traffic

2010 June 1
by buddy

If you have caught the internet marketing bug you know you need to increase website traffic to be successful.  If you have a goal to make a lot of cash you have to focus on targeted keywords that will get visitors spending their dollars.  Once you boost up organically website traffic to a site with a special something that equals what your visitors want you increase your landing a conversion.Obtaining traffic isn’t the end all.  Targeted traffic can be achieved by using either PPC or through organic search.  If you use
PPC to increase website traffic you may well invest a lot of money fast so it is important to know that your website will convert those visitors to sales and actually make you more money than you are  spending.

The cool deal about search traffic that’s organic from Google is that is isn’t even a cotton-pickin’ penny.  Not only is it free but you can know assuredly that individuals coming to your site are attracted to your offer by a focus on your keywords with laser precision.  For example, if you ranked for the term ‘red shoes’ you may get a nice increase in website traffic for people looking for red shoes, but too many of these people want to learn the latest fashions and aren’t ready at this point to purchase.  Of course, if you ranked high for the keyword ‘buy red shoes’, you will be attracting a type of visitor that is more targeted and has sincere intentions of coming away with your product.

The reason long tail keywords give you a better chance to make a sale is because you get a more targeted visitor to your site.  Increase website traffic with more long tail keywords that are words that get buyers instead of window shoppers that may be used for information seekers browsing the net.  The visitors you get from long tail keywords can be targeted so you are eliminating the free information seekers from the buyers.  With a targeted approach to increase web site traffic you can really show the internet surfers searching the web with full intentions of spending money today over to your own site so that they spend it there.

Using targeted keyword research will help you start your website with terms that are more optimized to lead buyers to your site.  When you increase website traffic with long tail targeted keywords that are in sync with buyers you will witness strong conversions to sales and in the end have more income.  Do your research first to avoid getting hundreds of visitors to your site that are just there to look at the nice photographs.  If you enjoy writing maybe that is good enough for you.  If you enjoy making money you’ll target your  traffic for an increase in sales on your web site.

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