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Getting Familiar With Child Visitation Rights, Legitimation and Paternity

2010 September 29
by buddy

Any time a husband and wife obtains a separation and divorce throughout the state of Tennessee, the father or mother who does not have primary custody of the children will be pretty much always going to be provided visitation rights, and grandparents along with other interested third parties may also have the right to visitation. Clearly, it is normally in the interest of the child or children to have a good ongoing relationship with both of their parents and with many other family members, and many husbands and wives recognize this and therefore act appropriately. In Title 36, Chapter 6 of the Tennessee Code the visitation rights associated with the non-custodial mother or father are plainly explained, and the court is quite clear concerning its purpose to determine visitation based on just what is ideal for the child or children concerned.

Unmarried parents are up against a different set of conditions, however, if each of the parents agree to the paternity of the father, exactly the same laws and regulations apply. Legitimately acknowledged paternity can be established in several various ways. The father could accept his paternity in writing and file with the Department of Children’s Services registry, plus he could also agree to have his name added to the certificate of a birth as being the child’s father. He could on the other hand be considered the father for legal purposes in cases where he has taken the child into his household and also performed all the responsibilities normally connected with parenthood. Paternity could also be established by using genetic testing, and paternity is lawfully proven when the final results show more than a 95% probability of the man in question’s parentage.

If you find yourself engaged in situations of child visitation, legitimation, and/or paternity, the key thing to bear in mind is the wellbeing of the children. Paternity is often very clearly proven by way of Paternity testing, therefore there is no reason why the identity of the natural father has to be brought into question. When paternity has without a doubt been proven, the father will be able to benefit from all of the legal rights as well as accept all of the responsibilities which go together with being a parent. The court could determine matters of paternity when necessary, but it is a question which can typically be reconciled through the mutual concurrence of the natural parents.

Child visitation, legitimation and paternity matters should always be tackled with a highly skilled Clarksville TN child custody lawyer with you. A good family law attorney Clarksville TN will assist you with any areas of a Clarksville TN divorce.

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