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Do Away With Money Worries By Setting A Good Monthly Household Budget

2010 June 5
by buddy

Whether we believe it or not but it’s a fact that  money makes the world go around and it can make our lives quite complicated and hard to manage . If you do not have enough there is the stress and concern how you are going to pay for the things that re needed to live from day to day. If you have a great deal of money you may be bombarded with requests to loan or give money to friends and relatives. If you do not take care of money well you may find that you do not have resources for future living expenses. Money management is a difficult thing for a lot of  people to master but one good place to start is with a monthly household budget.

I do case management with people that have found themselves homeless at one point in their lives. I work with permanent supportive housing. A program that provides safe low-income housing for people to live in while they are getting they’re lives back on track. One of the things that is imperative for them to do is to establish a monthly household budget. When I first start working with people when they enter the program they tell me it is impossible for them to have a monthly household budget because they have no money to work with. In these cases I have them start with the basics. I have them budget their food stamps so that they will have enough food to last them through the month. We do this by looking at the ads that are in the paper for the grocery stores. We look through the cabinets and determine what foods they already have and what they could buy to supplement them to create nutritious meals for the children.

For a family that has not had a regular income it is a challenge to have them stick to a monthly household budget because they want so many things. I have found it very frustrating to see people spend money on things that are not necessities and then come asking for money for food or gas when the money runs out . The importance of putting aside even a few dollars for emergencies in a monthly household budget is another concept that is very difficult to teach. I have found that we have the most success if we pay all the expenses for the month, buy all the groceries for the month and buy a gas card that will last the month on the first day of the month. This way at least the basics are covered and the family begins to learn to take care of necessities first and then buy other items. With money becoming tighter and tighter,what with the credit crunch and everything,it is very necessary  to budget and setting and keeping to a monthly household budget can save you a lot of hassle and stress.

Life is hard at the best of times but it is doubly difficult to meet ends meet at the present time. What with the credit crunch, the downturn in the global economies and job cuts in almost all the industries. We all want to live the life of our dreams by having a better house to live in, drive the car of our dreams and pay our bills without having concerns about our bank balance at the end of the month. Most of these things are possible with altering our lifestyle  and better money management and it can be achieved with setting a proper monthly household budget.

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