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Board Games Go Interactive by Using Technology

2010 June 8
by buddy

The household used to  hover around  the kitchen table and play board games for entertainment. With the Internet and television becoming more technologically advanced however, family board game night rarely exists anymore. If it does exist, family members may complain about it not being any fun and do their best to try and get out of the  family game night  . A new game though may be breaking the boring board game rule as there are few people who can argue that Mindflex is anywhere near boring. Mindflex was introduced by Mattel Inc. last year and it quickly became one of the most sought after toys for the holiday season and with good cause.

There are several important things to point out about Mindflex, but here are a few of the most fascinating:

  • Mindflex players use their brain to move balls through an obstacle course like game with plastic hoops.
  • Players wear a scientist type looking hat and the player’s mind powers a fan on the game through the use of EEG. EEG relates to the electrical activity in the brain .
  • Once the hat is strapped on, the player then concentrates in order to make the fan move and the fan then blows the ball around the course.
  • Even though the game only has one  purpose  , it is interesting to play since the person playing is using their brain to move parts of the game.

Mindflex is a little on the  expensive  side, coming in right around  one hundred dollars  if purchased  on the Internet  . During the past holiday season,  numerous  retailers upped the prices on the game since consumers were willing to pay a higher price for the game just to be able to receive it in time for the holidays.

Simple board games don’t seem to be the standard anymore. Several board making companies are introducing games that intertwine technology into the game to make it feel more up to date and more interesting to play. Some games use text messages and mobile technology as part of the game plan. This is a new niche in board games and one that is only going to be advancing in the future as consumers demand technology founded games.

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