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A Guide To Packing Up Your Things When Moving House

2011 March 2

They say that moving is one of the most stressful events in a person’s life, and if that’s the case, packing is definitely the most hectic and taxing component of that event. Most people spend days, even weeks, packing up their things and, even then, mistakes can be made, which may at best cause confusion, and at worst cause damage to expensive items. To help you avoid this, we have put together a few packing tips which many moving experts recommend for a successful transition.

Before you pack any of your belongings and seal them in cardboard boxes, you might want to first pack a separate suitcase for each person involved in the move. Pack just as if you were going on a 3 or 4 day vacation, with a few changes of clothes and personal hygiene products. This will save you the trouble of locating and rifling through a bunch of boxes every time you want to change clothes.

Packing can be a great way to jump-start your spring cleaning. Take advantage of this process to either discard items you no longer need or designate them for charity. The more you throw out or give away, the less you have to pack. As you begin to pack away your belongings, start by disassembling any large items—tables, etc. This will give you a lot more room to spread out. During disassembly, securely tape any small parts such as nuts, bolts and screws to the underside of the item. This will make things much easier when it comes time to put it together again. Clearly mark each box with a “FAT” black marker. Mark the box on opposite sides so you can see it from any angle.

Items such as televisions, game systems and digital voice recorders should, if possible, be stored in the original box they came in. This will make identification easier, not to mention that these boxes provide added safety to the item you’re moving. However, if you no longer have the original box, make sure each of these items is clearly marked and packed with some type of protective material, such as bubble wrap or packing foam.

Taking the time to organize your packing project beforehand can save you a lot of time and grief when these same items arrive at your new home.

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