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3 SEO Techniques You Want to Avoid

2010 July 6
by buddy

Finding ways to entice traffic to your site regularly is a primary element for the success of any online business. It’s relatively easy to learn to optimize your site in order to receive this kind of traffic directly from search engines. Unfortunately there are some Internet marketers who make a point of working on ways to fool the search engines instead of using proven optimization tactics. This is a quick way to get your sites banned by some of the big search engines, like Google. But besides that, some webmasters get into unethical practices unknowingly. In these scenarios, the webmaster’s lack of knowledge could be the cause of risking a website’s success with such bad decisions. The best way to work with proper SEO is to know where you’re going wrong. This article will be discussing a few SEO mistakes that you should keep in mind and try to avoid.

The most common blunder is neglecting on-site SEO. This is one of the only elements of SEO that you have complete control over. The definition of on-site SEO can be simplified to the way you layout your site’s elements and content. On-site navigation is actually the easy part of SEO, you want to pay attention to your navigation, ALT tags, header tags, and file names. All of these should have your targeted keywords mentioned in them. The search engines are big on creating the best experience for their users and on-site optimization helps with it tremendously. Although on-site SEO is very simple, it has to be done; don’t worry though because we are about correct a problem that most websites are making. You should never just take content from other sites, as that’s not right. Copying content that belongs to someone else won’t take you anywhere. While nobody may notice at first, people will soon recognize that you’ve stolen the content you’re using. And the biggest downside to it is that the search engines have gone smart and they know the difference between original content and the duplicate one. Search engines use filters to quarantine sites that use copied content, and if your site gets stuck in there, you won’t rank very high. Therefore, put in the effort to create unique content that’s not only appealing to the visitors but also to the search engines.

Not having search engine friendly content will simply kill your campaign, and yet it is a common mistake many make. Another basic SEO strategy is to present the search engines with content that answers the questions of what a searcher is looking for and to format it in a predetermined way. The content on your site plays a big role in your site’s ranking. Try not to add any individual posts to your site that are less than 300-400 words and your keywords should number between 3-5 inside every 100 words of content. Adding your keyword to the title of your content will help with your ranking. Be careful not to include a large amount of keywords in anything you publish. Overall, successful SEO methods can be boiled down to several small elements and tactics designed to work well together to provide you with results. While so-called ‘blackhat’ tactics might promise you instant results for improving your search engine rankings, they’re not considered long-term methods that you can count on. Focus on the more reliable Whitehat SEO methods that will bring you targeted traffic and improved search engine results for the long term and won’t get you banned.

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