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Teach Children to Respect by Treating them with Respect

2011 February 3
by buddy

In order to teach or kid to treat other folks with respect and dignity, they must also be treated that way.  And childhood is a time for young children to learn about the world, including how to get along with others. Parents play an important role in teaching young people how to form healthy relationships and grow into socially adept individuals.  This social competence allows young children to be cooperative and generous, express their feelings, and empathize with others.

The most efficient way to teach children this lesson is by modeling the behavior you want to encourage.  Each time you say “please” or lend a helping hand, you are showing your young people how you would like them to act. Ask for your children’s support with daily tasks, and accept their offers of aid. Praise your child’s great behavior and traits typically, and assist them realize how great it feels inside to do a great deed or be generous with another person.

Socially competent youngsters are ones who have a strong sense of self worth and importance.  When a child feels good about themselves, it’s easy for them to deal with other folks in a positive, helpful manner.
Encourage acts of generosity through sharing and cooperation.  Let your child know when it’s someone else’s turn with a toy or on the swing and praise their ability to recognize this on their own.  Thank them for being polite and respectful and for sharing and cooperating.

Kids know from their own experiences that words can hurt, and that name-calling, teasing, or excluding other people affects how men and women feel. Young children want to be treated fairly, but they don’t usually understand how to deal with others the same way. One way to teach fairness is to explain a rule to your child, pointing out that it applies to him as well as to other folks.

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