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3 Easy to Apply Article Marketing Tips

2011 August 8
by buddy

Article marketing has been in existence for quite a while. Online marketers realized that it was one of the best ways to advertise their products. Even though you probably won’t see good results at first, it is still one of the best ways to drive traffic to your site. In this article, we will find a few article marketing tips that can possibly improve your marketing plan. Here are some Internet marketing advice :

We should begin with a statement about article marketing that is very basic but still extremely important. If you want to succeed at article marketing, you should strive to make all of your articles informative, useful and interesting. If your articles are full of nothing but fluff, even if you get people to read them, you won’t get clickthroughs or sales. If you want people who read your articles to click on your links or resource box to find out more about you, you have to first give them some valuable information in your article. Articles that are considered valuable to readers are often re-published by a variety of sites, which increases the amount of traffic you receive. The real trick to article marketing is to pay attention to this main factor, and then the other considerations become much simpler. As you write your articles, keep your focus on creating value as this is more important than the number of them you write.

Articles used for marketing should be packed with information, but not too long. Remember that people online have short attention spans, so don’t write very long articles. It’s also good if the reader is left wanting more, so pack your article with interesting content but don’t include too much. Also, when you make your article too long, you’ll be giving away too much information right there. Longer articles are not only less interesting but they take away the reason for clicking on your link for more information. Use your article to tell them a few good ideas, but make them realize they have to visit your website to get the rest. Use your articles to get your audience’s attention, but you really want them to go to your site. Once you perfect the art of creating high conversions with your articles, you’ll be able to get traffic on demand.

Keep it clear as far as the benefits of your article go. In other words, don’t have your readers guessing what your article is about and what they would get out of it. The title of your article should tell them as much as possible. Make the title compact and forceful and be sure to mention the biggest advantage of your product or service. Your title has to be compelling, or people won’t want to read any further. The title deserves special attention because of its importance. Bring out the curiosity in your reader and make them want to read the whole article.

The best thing about article marketing is that it can bring you a great deal of quality traffic if you do it consistently. So make sure you apply the above tips to your article marketing campaign to get the most out of it.

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