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We Will Discuss How To Make Money As An Affiliate Using Martial Arts Based Products

2011 February 24

Are you into the martial arts? Have you ever thought about making money on the internet? Why not combine your knowledge with your desire to earn an online income? Let’s discuss how to make money with as an affiliate using marital arts based products.

It is not difficult to learn the basics of affiliate marketing, but it usually takes some time to create a foundation to your business and build momentum. It is not a job, where someone pays you by the hour. It is a business, and you are the owner, so you have to be work and be patient for sales to starting flowing, before you make money.

When you get to the point of having established momentum, you will be delighted to see that sales will come in, even though you have quit working on it. Smart affiliate marketers, do not just focus on one product. They create a campaign for one product, and then end their efforts with that one, and go on to a new one; and then a new one after that, and a new one after that, etc., etc. You might assume that costs a lot of money, but there are ways to do it, that only cost you the time you invest in it.

After you create a campaign for your martial arts products, you can decide if you would like to add other streams of income by creating campaigns for other products. You could have several different companies paying you affiliate commission checks. Some marketers add campaigns every week, (for a different product.)

If you have a favorite line of martial arts based products, enter the name into Google to find their official website. Look on their page for a link that says, affiliates. If there is none, look for one that says, partners, or associates. If you do not see anything like that, you can contact them and ask if they have an affiliate program.

You can Google, “martial arts products”, and find different companies, and some of them will have affiliate programs. Sign up with at least one of them. Some might be automatic, while others require a manager to review your application. In those cases the application will ask how you will promote their products. They will ask you for you website address.

Tell them you do not sell from a website, and that you do not do email marketing, either. (Later, you can add those to your methods, but they are not for now.) Tell them that you rely on article marketing exclusively, and you will link directly to your affiliate website, from your articles. If they require a website, move on, & you will find others who do not.

Then you will take a day to read about article marketing. It allows you to participate in search engine marketing, like pay per click, but you do not pay a thing. You will learn how to do keyword research using the Google AdWords Keyword Tool. It is a lot of fun. You will write articles based on the search phrases people enter in Google when they are looking to buy martial arts products. Your articles will link to your affiliate website. Article directories will publish your articles for free, and the search engines will bring you free traffic.

This article was brought to you by Martial Arts Equipment Direct, provider of competition sparring gloves such as the sweet Macho Dyna Punches Sparring Gloves for the great price of only $19.97. Thanks for reading.

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