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Three Different Things You Can Do To Bring Summer Into Your Home

2010 May 17
by buddy

With summer comes brighter colors, brighter moods, and the opportunity to really make your bedroom and house something that shouts good times with that summer feel. It’s easy to do with the right design accents and you can make some bold changes that make a really big difference.

1. Use the Power of Smell

Most people completely forget to really think about the way their house smells, and yet this can really change the look and feel of your home.   Aroma technology is really getting better and better and now there are sprays and all sorts of things you can use. I really suggest you get a spring flower smell or coconut smell because people really get affected by these the most.   You wouldn’t expect it but I have used those carpet powders that you vacuum up with great success and there are many that come in some really great fresh smells.

2. Colored Fabrics

This is really great if you carry it from room to room throughout your whole house.  From the bedding you use to the towels and even bright kitchen towels.  These well placed color splashes, especially if they match your whole home, will really bring a color jolt that will capture the eye and give you a great feeling.

For your bath towels I suggest warm natural bamboo because they come in such fresh colors and for your bed, you can get some really vibrant satin sheets in oranges, greens and blues.  The range of colors is just out of this world.  If you wanted to be a little more luxurious then get a nice white comforter for your bedroom and use some black silk sheets. They add some color to the decorative pillows.

3. Keep Extra Clean

No matter what, we all seem to have trouble keeping out places clean and uncluttered over a weeks time.   But to keep your homes style really summer fresh, try your best to keep it super clean. When you get home from work or errands, going into a spotless home will really lift your summer spirits.

Try these and see what they do for your home and bedroom. You will be surprised at what happens to your daily mood and even your productivity.

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