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Breaking Up and Getting Back Together – Can It Work?

2012 August 15

Splitting up and getting back together, can it work? That is a question that a great deal of people ask. It’s not uncommon to split up with somebody and later regret the breakup and try to reconcile.  The question is, will it work?  The reply is, it depends…

It depends on many elements.  Below is a list of some items you have to honestly consider before you get together again with your former mate:

1) Why did you break-up in the first place?  If you split up because of major variances in  your outlooks and personalities and found that you were continually clashing then getting together again would be a poor idea.

Neither of you will be able to completely alter your character.  Nor should you.  If you are just not compatible that won’t change.  It’s time to move on and find somebody you’re more in sync with.

2) If the reason  you split up was fairly minor daily problems you have to decide if either of you are willing, and able, to honestly talk about it and make the changes necessary to make the relationship work. If you believe that the two of you are mature enough to have a truthful discussion of the problems and work on fixing them then you might find a way to make it work this time around.

3) Was there cheating or abuse?  For the most part, if either of these things were present you’re probably better off finding somebody new.  Most people today don’t really change to a substantial degree. If you or your ex girlfriend or boyfriend is a cheater that pattern will more than likely go on unless extensive therapy is undertaken.

If abuse is the issue no one should be given a second chance to hit or injure  you again.  Leave, and do not look back.  Hopefully your ex will get help and have the ability to overcome the problem but that type of treatment is not always successful and could take years – it’s time for you to move on for good.  

Breaking up and getting back together, for the most part, can only be accomplished  if you and your former mate can be totally honest with yourself and each other.  It is not impossible to make changes but it can be challenging and unless both parties are in agreement and are dedicated to making the positive changes needed to make the relationship work, it’s probably better to call it quits and move on.

For more general dating advice, there is a guy named David Deangelo, who is a well known dating master. If you type in “david deangelo double your dating” “dating david deangelo ebook” or “david deangelo’s“, you will find his dating suggestions and ebooks, as well as whether he is a scam or not.  That way you will have all the information you have to have to work with and you are going to know if you can trust his advice.

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