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3 Easy SEO Tactics to Get Your Blog Posts Ranked Well

2011 January 15
by buddy

Blogging could be called a two way communication because when you author a post, viewers read it and respond by commenting. It is a very interactive format for talking to a large amount of viewers. However, if you blog does not have the right amount of traffic coming to it, it will lose its number one purpose. This is why it is so important for you to always remember to get people to read your blog, which utilizing search engine optimization is the best way to get this accomplished. Below are a few suggestions that can help get your posts ranked by using SEO.

When ranking a page, search engines use a combination of elements that they consider important. The anchor text you encode your links with is such a component. When you use your primary/secondary keywords in the anchor text in your blog posts, it will give a green signal to the search engines. Essentially, you are using them to create internal links between your posts and pages. So, if you include your keywords in the anchor text in different posts, you will add more importance to your posts according to the search engines.

What the search engines really want to see with blog posts is good content, and this is really the main part of SEO. It’s very important to write posts that are easy on the eyes and make people want to read them. A good way to do this is to write your post as a list of things such as tips, mistakes, steps, myths, etc. You’ll find it easier to write such posts, and readers will find them very readable. If you don’t want to go with the lists method then you should break up your long paragraphs into shorter ones so it’s more scannable.

Last but not the least; if you want your blog posts to get indexed and rank, then keep updating your blog with new ones as often as you can. Search engines love new articles, which means if you can provide the content, they won’t have a problem with giving you a high rank. Even if your blog is on the most specific niche ever, you must still be capable of providing fresh content on a daily basis. Yes, it does take hard work but eventually what really matters is the continuous flow of traffic.

The above are a few effective ways to start optimizing your blog posts so they are noticed by the search engines. The fact is, SEO isn’t as complicated as many people believe, it just takes consistent effort. If you want to get your blog ranked, then, just make sure that you make a little progress every day.

Additional Resources:
six figure code
six figure code

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